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How To Take Care of Your Eyes for a Good Night’s Sleep

How To Take Care of Your Eyes for a Good Night’s Sleep

Did you know that eye health can affect sleep quality? An optometrist discusses holistic eye care for disease prevention and better sleep.

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Many of us are aware that factors such as exercise and caffeine consumption can impact how well we sleep. But it’s easy to overlook an underappreciated aspect of self-care that is also important to sleeping soundly and preventing disease: your eye health. 

How Your Eyes Affect Your Sleep and Vice-Versa

Eye health and sleep quality are inseparably linked, explains Jennifer Chinn, O.D., an optometrist based in San Diego. While conditions like dry eyes are proven to adversely affect sleep quality, the relationship between eye health and sleep is a two-way street. 

According to Chinn, people often and perhaps unwittingly engage in behaviors that are not only potentially bad for their eyes but can impact their deep sleep. At the same time, lack of quality sleep can lead to eye health issues. “Healthy eye habits can help us get a better night’s sleep,” says Dr. Chinn. Meanwhile, “A good night’s rest helps facilitate better eye health and visual functioning.” 

Below, Dr. Chinn discusses some of these risky habits and their impact on sleep and then offers tips on how we can help prevent eye problems and sleep better in the process.

Ways We Risk Our Eye Health and Sleep Quality

  • Sleeping with contact lenses is a common practice among wearers and “a sure way to harm the health of your eyes,” states Chinn. She explains that leaving in contacts overnight impairs oxygen flow to the eyes, which they need for renewal. This can lead to dry, irritated, tired eyes that are prone to infections, as well as reduced sleep quality.
  • Looking at your phone before bedtime exposes you to blue light at the wrong time of day and can disrupt normal sleep patterns. Putting your phone in “night mode” can reduce blue-light emission, but it’s still important to monitor your phone (or computer) use prior to sleeping to be sure your eyes get their needed rest. (Blue-blocking glasses are advised for those who cannot break their nighttime digital habits.).
  • Sleeping with makeup is another way we cause potential harm to our eyes. Chinn explains that eye makeup builds over time if it’s not washed off at the end of the day. This buildup can damage tear glands and cause dry, irritated eyes that can wake you from sleep and lead to other problems such as eye infections, styes, and inflammation.

How To Protect Our Eyes and Sleep Better

  • Eating a nutrient-rich diet is vital for healthy eyes, especially leafy greens and certain other vegetables. For example, spinach can help prevent degenerative eye disease, and Brussels sprouts can help prevent dry eyes and associated sleep disruption.
  • Exercising regularly through low-impact exercises such as walking promotes healthy circulation and eyes while lowering risk of chronic diseases like diabetes and high blood pressure that can jeopardize eye health. Exercise also promotes better sleep.
  • Using protective eyewear to guard against the sun’s UV rays and injury from foreign objects when doing risky work is important. An eye injury could also keep us awake.

Dr. Chinn says these lifestyle tips will help to keep our eyes healthy and our vision clear; and, in doing so, help us to experience better-quality sleep.

*Arroyo Camacho, N. (2021, December 5). How Your Eye Health Can Impact Your Sleep Quality, According to an Optometrist. WellandGood.

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