Discover more on the importance of protective sunglasses in preventing UV damage and preserving your vision.
The hot, sunny summer days are now upon us. While this brings relaxing beach days and barbeques with the family, it is also a time of high exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays. Wearing sunglasses helps, but some sunglasses are more protective than others. Learn more about the importance of protective eyewear, including tips for choosing sunglasses.*
Excessive UV exposure may damage the macula, the area in the back of the eye that helps transmit pictures to the brain. This potentially could harm your vision later in life, especially if you have light-colored eyes.
Ophthalmologist, Dr. Rishi Singh, gives tips on choosing the most protective sunglasses:
Dr. Singh also gives specific tips for driving sunglasses:
Damage from UV radiation happens over a person’s lifetime. Therefore, it is recommended for children as young as six months to wear sunglasses when outside.
Prescription eyeglasses, particularly those with polycarbonate lenses, will provide some UV protection. Lenses that automatically darken when you go outside automatically protect against UV rays and glare.
Dr. Singh believes it is important to spend more money now on protective glasses, which may ultimately save your vision and money down the road.
*How to Choose the Best Sunglasses for Your Eye Health. (2020, October 16). Health Essentials from Cleveland Clinic.
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